Italian government playing like it's not going to let Beyoncé film at any ancient landmarks she goddamn wants

Like a modern-day Alexander The Great—or possibly Carmen Sandiego—Beyoncé has made it clear she intends to leave her mark on as many of the world’s most important cultural sites as humanly possible. Now—in the wake of renting out the Louvre for her “Apeshit” video with husband JAY-Z (tours now available!)—Queen Bey has apparently set her sights on an even older landmark: The Colosseum in Rome.

Constructed in AD 72 by the Emperor Vespasian in the hopes that, someday, Beyoncé might give him a shout-out, the structure is one of Rome’s biggest tourist attractions. And yet, the Italian government has dared to tell Ms. Carter-Knowles that she won’t be allowed to film there, turning down a shooting request that was timed to her On The Run II performance in the city earlier this month. (Apparently, the Colosseum was already booked by some nerdy goddamn scientists, none of whom appear to have featured on “Single Ladies.”) The notice also dinged the singer-superstar for making her request on too short a notice, ignoring the fact that Beyoncé is extremely busy, being Beyoncé.

As noted by Vulture, this wouldn’t be the first time Carter-Knowles would have performed at the relic; she previously filmed a Pepsi commercial with Britney Spears and Pink there back in 2004. Meanwhile, we have to assume that somewhere in Turin, there’s a bishop excitedly fielding a request to let their famous shroud out of the vault for a few hours so that Beyoncé can wear it like a shawl.

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