It's Date Night. Do You Know Where Your Very Violent, Yet Skittish Ex Boyfriend Is?

It's Date Night. Do You Know Where Your Very Violent, Yet Skittish Ex Boyfriend Is?

Ladies, never forget: For every nice guy who holds an umbrella over your head as he walks you to your front door in the rain, there's at least one seethingly violent ex-boyfriend just waiting to kick in your door. Trust. You better blanket your house in leftover blue-light "this is what the inside of a computer looks like" special effects from Hackers, or you will regret it.

Obviously, in order to sell blue-light special house alarms, you have to do a lot of intense fear-mongering. But this particular intense fear-mongering scenario is just so relatable! Who out there hasn't had a violent ex-boyfriend emerge from the darkness and kick in their front door, only to immediately turn skittish and run away? Clearly, the vast majority of people. Well, those people need to know that it could, and probably will, happen at any time. That's just what Exs do: They put on flannel shirts and kick in front doors on date night, then immediately leave. Thanks, Broadview Security.

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