It's Monday, which is bad, but here are some dogs in cosplay, which is good

It’s Monday and, because it’s Monday, you may still be shaking cobwebs out of your brain, looking out at the week ahead with a vague sense of horror at everything that lies in front of you. Something deep inside may be recoiling at the prospect of the distance between now and the next time you don’t have to get up and go to work at a job that, whether you enjoy it or not, is probably not your preferred way to spend the limited amount of time you’ve been given on this Earth. You might be staring into the bottom of your coffee cup, wondering what it’s all about—wondering if there’s a point to it all and weighing the pros and cons of simply walking out of the building and into the closest wilderness, abandoning society in favor of a twig and mud lean-to, gathering berries to eat from shrubs, and fighting coyotes sniffing around the few rabbits you’ve managed to catch by hand.

Yes, it’s Monday all right. But, hey, here are some dogs dressed up as superheroes from this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

First up, this little fuzzball, who has never worried about the crushing responsibilities of waking up with an early-morning alarm to do soul-deadening tasks in order to pay her bills.

Or has she? Merly! The Cosplay Dog is such a prolific cosplayer, in fact, that she has an entire Instagram page chronicling her vocation. That sort of takes the fun out of it, doesn’t it? Maybe Merly, like you, sighs a long, weary sigh when it’s time to suit up and make those dollars.

Fortunately, there were many amateur dogsplayers (note the “l,” please) who came to Comic-Con for the love of the game, not money. These two, for example, enjoy a carefree existence that, when looked upon, may make us believe we, too, may find greater fulfillment in life than seeing the clock read 4:59pm on a Friday.

Has this Spider-Dog ever cried in the cubicle of an office bathroom when considering the futility of finishing a stack of paperwork only to be given another, new stack of paperwork immediately thereafter? We think not!

Look at this boxer dressed up like an Ewok! It’s never once sat on the edge of its bed, starring at its feet in the pre-dawn light of another wretched weekday morning.

Wonder Woman dog? The most wondrous thing about it is the purity of an existence devoted simply to living life as it comes!

Sure, Batman dog may grapple with being orphaned at a young age, but look at those blankly content eyes and try to tell us this little ragamuffin has ever woken up in a cold sweat wondering if things would’ve been better if it had continued painting instead of finishing that economics degree.

What’s a carefree Batman dog without his faithful ward, carefree Robin dog?

And, finally, Superman corgi, a cute little pup that spent a happy Comic-Con weekend without even once worrying about an important meeting coming up in the following days.

Happy Monday, everyone. As you go about your week, remember to think often of these dogs in capes and masks. Let them lift your spirits. Let them be the superheroes they’re meant to be.

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