It's Never Too Late To Make A Marion Barry Joke

It's Never Too Late To Make A Marion Barry Joke

A while back, I deemed Fox News Channel's "Daily Show but for conservatives" as very close to Unbearable, because, you know, "[blank] but for [blanks]" has never been a winning programming strategy: just look at the success of The Other Half (The View but for men), and The Megan Mullally Show (Ellen but for Megan Mullally).

But that was back when it was just a horrible, horrible rumor. Now the show (called The 1/2 Hour News Hour, get it!?) has, like a hacky Athena sprouting forth fully formed from a mentally-challenged Zeus's head, bashed its way out of the skull of Fox News Channel, and come to fruition. And, really, it's even worse than anyone imagined:

Lessons learned:

—The word "gassy" = comedy gold

—B.O. = comedy platinum

—Rhyming slogans on T-shirts = comedy Hope diamond embedded in a tasteful gold and platinum setting.

—It's never too late to make a Marion Barry joke.

—If you're the least talented member in your second-rate college sketch comedy group, don't worry. One day, you could host a Daily Show rip-off on Fox News Channel!

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