It's the year 2020 and people are obsessed with a picture of the Green Goblin's ass

It's the year 2020 and people are obsessed with a picture of the Green Goblin's ass
Screenshot: Movieclips

Back when the first of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies was released, the world was a different place. In the halcyon days of 2002, Twitter didn’t yet exist, Facebook remained in its rightful home within The Void, and films about superheroes could come and go without every one of their frames being analyzed endlessly on the internet. Now, however, time has finally caught up to the past, and we’re forced to bear witness to a belated appreciation of one of Spider-Man’s most iconic images: The Green Goblin’s big old Green Goblin ass.

This celebration—or at least recognition—of the movie villain’s righteous cheeks began when, a few days ago, @RottingVale tweeted a screenshot and a caption detailing the psychic effects of looking upon Willem Dafoe (or his stunt double) squatting on a hoverboard glider. Taken from a scene where the Green Goblin attacks a street festival, the image also includes Spider-Man fleeing from the character’s striking posterior in the bottom right of the frame. All of this is, of course, more than enough material to inspire a new meme.

As the above tweets make clear, all of the expected meme fillers—about dogs, personal anxieties, etc.—have been thrown into the format. And yet, the more creative have seen greater, less obvious potential in this image of Spider-Man running down the street.

While there’s a big, round, very distracting reason for the focus of these tweets, it’s important to remember that Dafoe’s Green Goblin is more than just a set of commanding green cheeks. Look beyond the exterior, internet, and give the character his due. Even when the immediate draw of the Goblin’s metal-covered butt has faded, he still possesses a winning personality and a wonderful sense of humor that deserves recognition.

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