It's time once again to nominate episodes for the TV Roundtable Readers' Choice, so get controversial!

As we come to the end of our fifth round of the TV Roundtable—our panelists’ take on Ellen goes up later today, and they’ll take on Different Strokes next week—it’s time for you folks to jump on in and offer us your suggestions for the readers’ choice pick, the nominees for which will be revealed at this time on Friday. Post in comments with your picks under the theme of controversial episodes. Look for episodes that caused intense, angry reaction from certain corners of the world, even if it seems sort of laughable and quaint that people were so angry at one time—like with that one I Love Lucy episode we talked about..

Please remember, however, that episodes previously covered in TV Club or about to be covered imminently in TV Club are ineligible. If you think we might have covered it, give it a search. We’re always looking for TV outside of stuff we already know about, and forcing all of you to think outside of the box, too, results in you finding programs that we didn’t realize we hadn’t covered, which then win the vote in landslides.

The nomination period will last the next 48 hours, and we’ll announce the nominees Friday, with the winner being announced in next Wednesday’s Roundtable. See you then!

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