It's time to watch a bunch of Spider-Men die in horrible ways

"Spider-Man Rated-R" sees the superhero find novel ways to turn himself into loose piles of guts

It's time to watch a bunch of Spider-Men die in horrible ways
Never, ever rip the arms off a spider. Screenshot: Corridor

The concept of “gory superhero media” is hardly new. In the last handful of years alone, we’ve have two appropriately bloody live-action Deadpool movies and an ongoing TV series that devotes a presumably substantial portion of its budget to the noble art of making people in capes burst apart into red mist.

But, as illustrated in a video about Spider-Man dying in a number of horrible ways, there’s still plenty of life left in this sub-genre.

Created by VFX YouTube channel Corridor, “Spider-Man Rated-R” opens with Owen Wilson’s Mobius discussing “the worst Spider-Men in the multiverse” before setting off to kill every one of them. It becomes immediately clear that he doesn’t need to lift a finger to do so.

The first horrible Spider-Man tries out web-swinging only to explode into a bucket of red goop upon impact with a billboard. The next one backflips into the blades of a helicopter.

This continues on with a Spider-Man missing an aerial webshot so he splatters onto the concrete far below, getting smashed between cars, and, in our favorite version, having his arms ripped from from their sockets as he uses his webs to try in vain to stop a runaway subway from crashing.

After this kaleidoscope of horrors, the whole thing ends ends with Tobey Maguire’s evil Spider-Man 3 Peter Parker killing Mobius and then running out onto the streets of New York City to triumphantly dance around with his dick hanging out.

Though we expect the next live-action Spider-Man to be business as usual superhero fare, the existence of this video does give us hope that the dimension-shifting premise of the next animated film isn’t so locked in already that its creators can’t find a way to give us at least a few cartoon Spider-Men biting it in gruesome ways—or, at least, for the knob-hanging Parker to show up as a fun, family-friendly visual Easter egg.

[via Bloody Disgusting]

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