Jack and Ozzy Osbourne to mumble through historical sites on new reality show

Ozzy Osbourne recently spoke with Billboard about the pleasures of playing Halloween shows in the U.S., working with Slash, retiring Black Sabbath for good, and, strangely enough, a new historical program he’s currently filming with his son, Jack.

Jack and I are doing a thing for the History Channel, like a father and son spoof on history. We went to Stonehenge and met a guy who thinks he’s the fucking reincarnation of King Arthur. And we went to Bletchley Park to see the machine [Alan Turing] used to break the [German] kind. We’re going to Mount Rushmore, to the abandoned silos where America used to have their Minutemen missiles and all that. It’s educational for me, actually — history with an Osbourne slant.

If a humorous take on historical events narrated by slurring celebrities sounds familiar, it might be because Derek Waters already has a show about that on Comedy Central. Of course, this sounds different because Ozzy and Jack aren’t recreating events; they’re visiting historical sites. Also, Drunk History is narrated by actual drunk people, rather than punch-drunk sexagenarians wandering loose about the English countryside.

Then again, given the Mr. Magoo-like stupor that sometimes appears to be Osbourne’s default state, it’s entirely possible that there is no show, and the Black Sabbath frontman is merely shambling from room to room in his own estate while Jack dutifully improvises hasty historical reconstructions made out of whatever furniture, hired help, and family pets are within arm’s reach.

No title or release date have been announced for the Osbourne’s historical reality show.

[h/t Metal Sucks]

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