Jack Nicholson had the perfect take on that photo of Jared Leto’s Joker

Jack Nicholson had the perfect take on that photo of Jared Leto’s Joker

There were many reactions to that photo of Jared Leto as The Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad film. And while there are reports that the tattooed, grilled-out, sinister Juggalo look may not be what shows up in the finished film, people are still not quite sure how to feel about it. Sure, it’s helpful to know that he’s “damaged” by putting a tattoo on his forehead that says as much, but is that really keeping in the style of the many iterations of the Joker in the past?

One former Joker has weighed in on the controversy thanks to this well-edited video by ToniEmCee. Taking a clip from About Schmidt, ToniEmCee reveals what Jack Nicholson (who played the clown prince of crime for Tim Burton in 1989’s Batman) may have done upon espying this new version of the character. It’s a simple, short video that encapsulates a lot of what many fans felt upon staring into the madcap eyes of the latest Joker.

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