Jack White’s resting bitchface has inspired the Internet’s new favorite meme

Jack White’s out on tour right now, supporting Lazaretto. Along the way, he’s been stopping at bowling alleys and various baseball games, including last night’s Chicago Cubs game. And while some pictures show White appearing to have a perfectly fine time at the game, broing down with Eddie Vedder and smiling next to a pretty cute kid in a Cubs hat, all the Internet really cares about today is the one screengrab that shows White with the quintessential resting bitchface, scowling over a graphic that declares something Cubs related to be “the party of the century.” To be fair, it’s pretty funny.

Of course, the Internet being the Internet, that picture’s already been turned into dozens—nay, hundreds—of jokey meme pics, including some of the ones below. While some are pretty unfair—he probably wasn’t looking for a Victrola, per se—others nail White’s eccentric aesthetic. Here’s hoping this meme has the same staying power as the century-old Cubs.

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