Jack White says he “almost never” talks to Meg White

Jack White says he “almost never” talks to Meg White

Jack White is on the cover of the latest issue of Rolling Stone and, as expected, the accompanying interview features some verbal gems from the former White Stripes frontman. For instance, White reveals in the piece that he doesn’t really speak to ex-wife and ex-bandmate Meg White anymore—adding that he doesn’t think “anyone talks to Meg.” And that’s not surprising, since he says, “She’s always been a hermit,” explaining that even when the two were playing together he’d have to drive to her house if he wanted to talk to her.

White also uses the interview to comment on the general lack of moral support he got from Meg, saying, “She’s one of those people who won’t high-five me when I get the touchdown.” Quoth White:

She viewed me that way of “Oh, big deal, you did it, so what?” Almost every single moment of the White Stripes was like that. We’d be working in the studio and something amazing would happen: I’m like, “Damn, we just broke into a new world right there!” And Meg’s sitting in silence. I remember hearing Ringo Starr say, “I always felt sorry for Elvis, because in the Beatles we had each other to talk about what it felt like. Elvis was by himself.” I was like, “Shit, try being in a two-piece where the other person doesn’t talk!”

Still, White also has plenty of praise for Meg, saying he doesn’t think she understood “how important she was to the band, to me, and to the music.” After praising her “childlike” personality and drumming, he says “all the not-talking didn’t matter,” because when it came to what they did together onstage, “nothing I do will top that.” [via Consequence Of Sound]

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