Jaden Smith on Robert Pattinson: "He will be the best Batman"

Jaden Smith on Robert Pattinson: "He will be the best Batman"
Screenshot: Jaden Smith

In all the hullaballoo surrounding the news that Robert Pattinson’s been cast as Batman, do you know who came out as the winner of it all? Twilight fans, that’s frickin’ who. Who better, then, to lead the charge of fans to the theaters to see the newest iteration of Bruce Wayne than a raging Twihard? Jaden Smith, in his rightful calling, will be the one. Smith expressed his excitement about Pattinson’s casting in a new interview with Rolling Stone, and it’s…intense.

In the interview, which touches on everything from his music to his activism, Smith was asked his thoughts on the new Batman, and it opened a floodgate of support from the rapper. “Oh my gosh, I don’t even know what to say. Amazing things are happening every day that you don’t even know,” he expressed. “I don’t even know. I’m at a loss for words with how excited I am for him. It has to happen. It has to fucking happen. He will be the best Batman. I’m losing my fucking shit.” No ifs, ands, or butts, Smith’s mind is made up. This, of course, makes sense when you look at his passion for not just the Caped Crusader, but also for Twilight.

Jaden Smith has that fancy white Batman suit he wore to prom, Comic Con, and Kimye’s wedding, solidifying his placement as a fly-as-hell cosplayer. He also has a song named after DC’s batty, billionaire vigilante, the video for which also features his all-white suit. Smith, like any good stan, wears his obsessions on his sleeve for all to admire. So, in that same fashion, he hasn’t shied away from his love for the Twilight saga. When his collaboration with Harry Hudson was released in November, Smith put the song over Edward and Bella’s wedding scene and it fit like a goddamn glove. He’s also got several tweets about the movies, as well as Twilight-centric lyrics in his music.

The “Just Slide” video is 100% worth the watch, and proves Smith is more than equipped to serve as R-Bats’ hype man. If anyone’s blessing mattered about this casting, it’s Smith’s, so anyone who signed one of those god-awful fan petitions can fall on a stake.

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