James Cameron to put some 3-D Cirque du Soleil action all up in your face

James Cameron to put some 3-D Cirque du Soleil action all up in your face

Although James Cameron has still yet to validate Will.I.am’s statement that he’ll make that 3-D Black Eyed Peas concert film, he is confirmed to bring his three-dimensional acumen to another garish, kitschy thing that fortysomething women really enjoy: Cirque du Soleil, the Las Vegas show for people who believe Las Vegas is for families instead of gambling and instantly regrettable encounters with prostitutes, will get a 3-D feature-film adaptation, the first in what’s being planned as a family-oriented franchise that will incorporate Cirque du Soleil into their storylines.

Cameron will produce the film for Chronicles Of Narnia director Andrew Adamson, who is said to be currently shooting a series of narrative sequences to shape the Cirque du Soleil’s live footage into some semblance of a story. Of course, they’ve tried this sort of thing once before with 1998’s Alegría, although that didn’t have the added acrobats-in-your-face appeal of 3-D. But considering that film starred a truly disturbing Frank Langella in clown makeup, that’s probably a good thing.

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