James McAvoy wouldn’t mind sticking around for a Split sequel

(Acknowledging the existence of a spoiler can often act as a spoiler itself, so let’s just say that the following story will contain spoilers for every single M. Night Shyamalan movie ever made. If you have not seen every single M. Night Shyamalan movie ever made and do not want to be spoiled, back out now.)

Earlier this week, M. Night Shyamalan declared that he wants his next film to be a sequel to Unbreakable, his fondly remembered superhero thriller from 2000 that starred Bruce Willis as a man who could not be broken and Samuel L. Jackson as an aspiring supervillain who could only be broken. This announcement was inspired by the positive response to his latest film, Split, which reveals at the end that it takes place in the same universe as Unbreakable—effectively making it a semi-sequel to the other film. Shyamlan says the true Unbreakable sequel will combine elements from the original and Split, with characters from both movies appearing together.

Now, Split star James McAvoy has suggested to The Hollywood Reporter that he’d be up for another big film franchise, but only “if it’s good material.” He doesn’t specifically say he’d do Split 2 or Unbreakable 3 or whatever, but as long as he’s “getting to work with good people” and “getting to do interesting things,” then he doesn’t really care if his movie is a sequel or not. It’s a fairly non-committal response, but Shyamalan will probably take what he can get.

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