James Wan is officially directing Aquaman

With unlikely multihypenate Vinnie Chase busy directing that DJ movie, Warner Bros. had to find someone to helm Aquaman, its tentpole film about the superhero who can talk to the fishes or whatever. That someone is James Wan, who recently made approximately three bajillion dollars for Universal as the director of Furious Seven. Prior to that foray into blockbuster action, Wan was known primarily as a director of horror movies, starting his career with Saw in 2004 and making it up to everyone with Insidious in 2010 and The Conjuring in 2013.

Wan has been in talks for the job for a while, but now that things are official he can go about finding creative ways to work creepy dolls and parachuting cars into a story that sees the ruler of Atlantis “caught between a surface world ravaging the sea, and the Atlanteans who are looking to lash out in revolt.” Jason Momoa is set to star in the film, which is scheduled for a 2018 release.

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