Jamie Foxx Is So Many Things (To Jamie Foxx)

It's usually very difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when a celebrity loses all concept of reality and their place within it, and then tumbles headfirst down a mirror-lined spiral of self obsession. Thankfully though, Jamie Foxx has not only made his moment of descent into the fog of narcissism exceedingly easy to identify, he created an entire stage show about it.

After reading (via

Defamer) about this article detailing the first night of Foxx's "Unpredictable" tour, I think it's safe to say that not only has Jamie Foxx lost all concept of reality, Jamie Foxx has lost all concept of Jamie Foxx. Why? Well, here are a few things that happened at the show:

—The performance was divided into two parts: first stand-up (performed by Comedian Jamie Foxx), and then music (performed by Dead Serious R&B; Jamie Foxx).

—The transition between the two parts was indicated when Dead Serious R&B; Jamie put on a white suit and said, "Fellas, you could stick around if you want to, but this is for the ladies."

—There was a slide show, of sorts:

A photo montage detailed his accomplishments, including his many magazine covers.

—Hilarious Britney vagina jokes, some featuring the word "cootenanny."

—Singing in a near-constant rain of stripper poles, dancers, and fake money:

These [songs] were accompanied by gimmicky bits of staging, including one of the dancers writhing suggestively on a couch, another doing a pole dance and, for "Get This Money," fake bills showering on the crowd.

—And, of course, a tribute to the late, great Ray Charles, or at least Foxx's portrayal of the late, great Ray Charles:

An ill-advised segment featured him reprising his Ray Charles impersonation, performing such classics as "Georgia on My Mind" and "What'd I Say" in full Charles regalia while seated at a white piano in the center of the arena.

But maybe I'm being hard on Jamie Foxx. After all, it can't be easy to put together a cohesive show when all four of your talented personas (Comedian Jamie Foxx, Dead Serious R&B; Jamie Foxx, Ray Charles Jamie Foxx, and Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx) are all loudly clamoring for the public attention they so richly deserve.

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