Jane Krakowski gets her frenemy on in the new Kimmy Schmidt teaser

Heads up, Stranger Danger Rangers: We’re less than a week away from the second season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, complete with all the mole women, hashbrowns, and delicious wines/summer jams that we’ve all come to love. To get our appetites even more revved up, Netflix has just released another teaser for the upcoming season, this time featuring Jane Krakowski’s Jacqueline White, facing off against a vicious—but well-educated—frenemy (The Help’s Anna Camp).

It might not have the catchiness of “Peeno Noir,” or Ellie Kemper singing “Bunny and Kitty” to herself, but the quick clip is a good reminder that there are few people on the planet better than Krakowski when it comes to delivering the show’s 30 Rock-esque dialogue twists with a 100 percent straight face. (Camp comports herself pretty well on that score, as well.)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt returns to Netflix on April 15.

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