Japan combines fashion, health, and fandom with superhero skin care masks

The health conscious Marvel fan faces a daily dilemma that can often border on existential terror: Do they attack the day in their favorite face-obscuring superhero mask, projecting an outward air of bravado even as the mask’s sterile plastic does nothing for their slowly dying skin? Or do they forgo their beloved brand identity in favor of a skin-rejuvenating facial mask, trading the comfort of unclogged pores for the angst of never knowing if people on the street have grokked their affiliation in the upcoming Civil War?

Let the question trouble you no longer, true believers, as Japanese cosmetics firm Isshin-do Honpo is now offering the best of both worlds: face-friendly skin masks that have been branded (and officially licensed, to the comfort of the copyright-minded wellness seeker) with the images of Iron Man and his perfect-toothed compatriot, Captain America.

As the company’s charming instruction images show, users simply apply the masks to their merry Marvel mugs, then spontaneously generate arc-reactor powered repulsors in their hands, before eventually removing the packs and basking in their new, Mr. Sparkle-esque glow. American consumers with more money than complexion-minded ways to express their fandom can import the masks (at $27 per two-pack). DC fans are out of luck at the moment, although they can always ward off their feelings of sadness by slapping one of the company’s scary skeleton masks on their face, confident that they’ll be able to greet the upcoming Batman V Superman with refreshed, skeleton-invigorated skin.

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