Japanese women in self-isolation coin new word for "online drinking"

Japanese women in self-isolation coin new word for "online drinking"
Photo: Mike Pont

What to do for fun during this period of quarantine and self-isolation is quickly becoming a very pressing issue for people all over the globe. Lists of video games to play and movies and TV shows to watch have already started circulating on social media as people prepare to settle into their apartments filled with food, water, and disinfectant wipes for the foreseeable future. But these forms of entertainment will only get you so far. Eventually, you’ll find yourself hankering for some social interaction, even if it’s just some dull conversation over a beer in a dimly lit room. That’s when it’s time for on-nomi.

On-nomi or “online drinking” is a new Japanese word that describes the latest craze among self-isolated middle-aged women in Japan, according to this new piece from Vice. Using the teleconferencing app Zoom, these women are gathering in groups of ten or more, cracking open a few cold ones, and commiserating over their shared boredom and coronavirus fears all from the safety of their own homes. With just a few clicks and handy six-pack, your boring conference call and post-work happy hour can all take place on the same screen.

So, if you’re finding yourself experiencing some extreme FOMO or just want to make it less depressing that you’re drinking alone on your couch for the fifth night in a row, try reaching out to a few friends and getting a digital rager going on your favorite video conferencing app. Just avoid trying to aggressively cheers your webcam. We imagine that would end badly.

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