Jason Segel takes Nicholas Hoult’s place aboard The Discovery

Jason Segel takes Nicholas Hoult’s place aboard The Discovery

Nicholas Hoult is no longer awaited in Valhalla—at least, not as part of the sci-fi love story The Discovery. According to Indiewire, Jason Segel has replaced Hoult as Rooney Mara’s love interest in the film, which has also just added Robert Redford to the cast. Hoult, who will soon be seen dispatching his pals in Kill Your Friends, boarded The Discovery last fall, when we first reported that he would star opposite Mara as the son of the man who somehow scientifically proves that there’s an afterlife. Mara is still set to co-lead the film, but it will now be Segel who’s disappointed—or delighted, you never know—by her “tragic past.”

The One I Loves Charlie McDowell will direct the film, which he’s co-written with Justin Lader (who also wrote The One I Love with McDowell). Redford’s role hasn’t been announced yet, though we don’t see any reason why he can’t play the scientist or mathematician who proves that the afterlife and all its trappings do exist. But first, he should probably find a way to refute Homer Simpson’s calculations that prove there is no God.

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