Jason Sudeikis and Alison Brie to star in movie about sexy cheaters

Dan Harmon stands, weeping, while a world falls apart around him. As the Community set collapses into the ground, crystal spires and butthole flags crashing into the walls, he wraps an Inspector Spacetime robe around tiny, angelic Alison Brie, loads her into an escape pod, and aims it toward “film career.” He flings her light into the future, in the glorious hope that some day she may bring joy to a distant, backward people by being in a movie with Jason Sudeikis about people who constantly cheat on their significant others.

Harmon’s hope was not in vain. Brie will play that sexy cheating lady. The movie will be called Sleeping With Other People.

Directed by Leslye Headland, the film has been described in a press release as being “in the vein of When Harry Met Sally… but with assholes”—which makes a certain sense, since Headland’s previous movie, Bachelorette, was pretty much Bridesmaids… but with assholes.

Brie-Al (to use her Communitonian birth name) will star alongside Sudeikis, as well as Bachelorette co-star Adam Scott. Amanda Peet, Jason Mantzoukas from The League, and Orange Is The New Black’s Natasha Lyonne will also get in on the unfaithful action.

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