Jay Leno's reign over The Tonight Show draws to its inevitably violent end in February

Jay Leno’s slow, fascinating descent into the depths of amorality will come to an end on February 6, 2014, Deadline reports, as his reign over The Tonight Show draws to its exciting and inevitably bloody conclusion. After 22 seasons of watching his character’s downward spiral—building an empire out of a synthesized euphoria he peddled on the streets, then ruthlessly maintaining control over that empire at whatever cost—viewers are no doubt eager to find out Leno’s ultimate fate.

While we already know from flash-forwards that Jimmy Fallon will take over his area on February 24 and begin pushing his own, slightly speedier product, there are still so many questions to be answered as the finale approaches. Will Leno pay for the lust for power that’s led him again and again to lies and betrayal? Can any man’s soul retain its innocence, after having seen all this, after having heard all about this? Or will Leno’s slippery survival skills save him once more, even if it means crawling over the bullet-ridden back of Rickey Minor? Given that NBC has said it believes Leno will have a continued “presence” at the network, it seems he’ll still be around in some form—even if it’s just in the hushed whispers of those who dare say his name.

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