Jay-Z beats out Nickelback-loving rocker dude from American Idol on Billboard chart

The top slot on this week's Billboard 200 was Jay-Z's to lose, and despite lukewarm critical response Kingdom Come got the job done: The "comeback" CD moved more than 680,000 copies in the U.S. (Looks like courting the NASCAR market paid off, haters.) What's shocking about this week's albums chart is the impressive opening week for Daughtry, a band fronted by American Idol fourth runner-up Chris Daughtry. Daughtry sold 304,000 copies, good for No. 2 on the chart. Upon learning of Daughtry's strong debut, American Idol winner Taylor Hicks leaned back, hugged himself, and launched into the cut-rate Ray Charles impression that beat Daughtry in the first place.

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