Jeff Tweedy addresses his trolls directly, promises them “dishes of warm outrage”

As much as he appreciates the band’s fans, Jeff Tweedy’s not about to let Wilco’s Facebook page turn into a politics-free forum. The frontman posted an online missive yesterday in response to commenters turned trolls (or maybe they were always that way) who want Wilco to keep state and global affairs out of their social media presence. Tweedy firmly states that he’ll continue using his platform to call out wrongs and criticize our leaders: “Not because I have much hope of changing your opinions (again, I don’t know you, so I’m not sure what your bag is) but I mean, MAYBE our sincerity about the things that concern us can inspire some deeper investigation into those concerns.”

Tweedy also makes it clear that he won’t exile any conservative or far-right commenters who take issue with his and other fans’ concerns about Donald Trump’s presidency. In fact, he’ll welcome them with “dishes of warm outrage for you to lap up in the form of our vision of a better world, causes we believe in, actions we’re taking, etc.,” because at least it means he and like-minded folks will “have peace of mind in knowing that you aren’t out in the world acting on the anger so evident in your hastily typed and misspelled defenses of a man who has been elevated to a position of immense power but in whom I’ve yet to see any evidence of virtue.”

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