Jello Biafra isn't happy about Dead Kennedys' "dumb and clueless" praise of Mitt Romney

Jello Biafra isn't happy about Dead Kennedys' "dumb and clueless" praise of Mitt Romney
Photo: Karl Walter

First things first: Jello Biafra hasn’t been affiliated with anti-establishment punk outfit Dead Kennedys for a very long time. Following the band’s 1986 breakup, Biafra saw the rights to the Dead Kennedys name awarded to his former bandmates, who continue to tour with various singers standing in for the vocalist. A guy named Ron “Skip” Greer currently leads the band. It ain’t the same.

Just look at this post fired off by the Dead Kennedys’ Twitter on Wednesday night, just hours after a loony pro-Trump mob descended upon the Capitol in an effort to stop Congress from certifying the results of the presidential election. The band, once a leftist powerhouse spitting hits like “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” and “Let’s Kill The Landlord,” now has ample praise for Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham, dipshit Republicans who, after years of enabling Trump’s lunacy, have decided an attempted coup is a step too far.

It wasn’t long before Biafra weighed in. “As if today couldn’t get any weirder, look who posted this!!” he wrote on Facebook. “How dumb and clueless can you get?? Was it scab singer Skip, who recently denied DK’s are a political band, just, ‘a social satire band’?? Ea$t Bay Ray?? It sure as hell wasn’t me, and in no way represents anything DK’s ever stood for. Cmon, guys, take this down – NOW. Haven’t you disgraced our inspiring legacy that means so much to people enough???”

As the dunks rolled in—see some of the best ones below—the band continued to stan for Romney and assure fans that Biafra hates Trump “as much as we do.” This is true, obviously, but what Biafra seems to get that the band doesn’t is that “standing up to Trump” doesn’t mean shit when you’re a member of the party that paved the way for him. (Look at his voting record!)

At least they didn’t go the Johnny Rotten route?

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