Jenna Fischer Gets Naked For Wired

Wired creative director Scott Dadich doth protest too much in today's post on the magazine's website entitled "Why Wired Put The Office's Jenna Fischer On The Cover—Naked" about the star's baring it all for the new "Radical Transparency" issue. Dadich offers a justifaction to detractors who might find it to be a cheap marketing ploy, saying, "If you're talking about transparency, the obvious metaphor is clear: You're naked."

He goes on to say:

"Then we wrestled with the question of how to best show the real goings on inside the modern American office. How about using The Office as a model? And who would we like to see practicing what we're preaching? Dwight? Ehhh…notsomuch. Of course, Pam."

Clearly anyone can follow that chain of logic.

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