Jennifer Garner opening male strip club on Fox

The popularity of Magic Mike has given rise not only to talk of a sequel, plans for a Broadway version, and even bars where the stripping is just part of a way classier "theme," it’s also given some the idea that the “male stripper story” is a genre begging to have others grind away on it until it’s left spent and chafed. Waiting in line just behind that Chippendales biopic is Jennifer Garner, who’s tossing the crumpled singles of her production company behind the Fox pilot The Whole Shebang, an hourlong drama from Butter writer Jason Micallef about a “newly single soccer mom who inherits a rundown male strip club” and then “unexpectedly finds herself at the center of a dysfunctional, makeshift family that helps her take charge of her life,” in between she-bangin’. “It’s like Cheers with more dong,” Jennifer Garner no doubt said, as Jennifer Garner has no doubt been describing everything she’s done since the beginning of Alias.

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