Jennifer Lawrence is attached to star in Spielberg’s war photographer movie

Because Jennifer Lawrence is now both America’s bestie and a wildly popular actress, her name is guaranteed to be attached to just about every project that a studio announces these days. Last month, it was that sci-fi love story that would co-star Chris Pratt, a.k.a. the male Jennifer Lawrence. And now Variety reports that Warner Bros. has won a bidding war to produce a film adaptation of It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life Of Love And War, with Lawrence attached to star and Steven Spielberg set to direct.

The book is by Lynsey Addario, the MacArthur Fellowship-winning international photojournalist. The auction over the rights to adapt the book occurred after an excerpt was published in The New York Times Magazine, attracting widespread attention. Addario, like any good wartime photojournalist, has traveled to numerous countries that Americans are overwhelmingly unable to spell or even remember exists, including a stint in Waziristan that helped earned the Times a Pulitzer Prize. She also briefly served jail time in Libya during her reporting in 2011.

Lawrence is currently shooting Joy, that David O. Russell picture that will forever be known as the movie about the woman who sells mops on the Home Shopping Network. Spielberg is finishing up an untitled Cold War thriller starring Tom Hanks, a project which is incredibly promising because he got Joel and Ethan Coen to write it. No word on who will pen the adaptation of Addario’s book, but given that Spielberg is involved, surely they can shoehorn something about the tempestuous struggle between fathers and sons in there.

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