Jesse Eisenberg says Comic-Con not quite “genocide” bad, still terrible

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice star Jesse Eisenberg unwittingly wandered into a linguistic minefield yesterday when he compared the experience of attending Comic-Con to “probably some kind of genocide” in an interview. And while the offhand use of the word “genocide” tends to produce some strong reactions, aside from the most fanatical Twitter-shamers most people didn’t take his words literally, because sarcasm is a thing, and also because for anyone who isn’t into being herded like cattle Comic-Con can be awful.

Regardless, Eisenberg has been asked about—and clarified—his comments in several subsequent interviews. (He’s been doing a lot of them lately, as he’s currently promoting his movie The End Of The Tour.) Initially, he stuck with the whole “genocide” line of argument, saying, “Maybe on some cellular memory level, that’s the only thing that seems like an equivalent social experience…Even if they’re saying nice things, just being shouted at by thousands of people, it’s horrifying,” in an interview with his co-star Jason Segel.

Then, presumably after a stern talking-to from his PR team, he softened his stance in a subsequent interview. “I of course was using hyperbole to describe the sensory overload I experienced. I sometimes do employ that,” he told The Associated Press, presumably as an exhausted-looking representative stood over his shoulder. “I’m a normal person who has normal sensory experiences, so Comic-Con was very overwhelming for me. That said, it was really an honor to be on that end of such jubilation,” he added.

Also, he’s Lex Luthor, a fact that Segel pointed out in the same interview. “You’re also the villain in the movie. There’s like a WWF-style theatrics to it,” Segel said, probably thinking this whole thing is hilarious. Wait until you flippantly compare the Peoples’ Choice Awards to the Khmer Rouge, Segel. Then we’ll see who’s laughing.

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