Jessica Williams removes herself from the list of future Daily Show hosts

Sorry, Williamaniacs, but Jessica Williams doesn’t want to replace Jon Stewart as the new host of The Daily Show. Because it is the Internet, the Internet has been speculating about who will replace Stewart since he announced his retirement last week, with Williams’ name at the top of many armchair executives’ lists. But, as Williams explained on Twitter last night, she considers herself “extremely under-qualified” for the position:

She also probably doesn’t want to make any big commitments at this point, even to a prestigious position like hosting The Daily Show. Ignorant hair-based assumptions aside, this outpouring of support is a great sign for Williams’ career, as it provides tangible evidence of her marketability. And producers are taking notice; Williams tells Uproxx that director Jim Strouse recruited her directly for her part in his new film People, Places, Things, and that she has many offers to choose from right now. So while Hot Tub Time Machine 2 could still be right and Williams may take the position some time before 2025, if her film career keeps growing we might see her on the other side of the interview desk instead.

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