Jim Carrey accused of providing drugs for woman’s suicide in new lawsuit

In a distressing twist to an already-sad story, Jim Carrey is being accused of having a hand in the suicide of Cathriona White, who died of an overdose of oxycodone, propranolol, and Ambien nearly a year ago and who dated Carrey off and on for several years before her death. Variety reports that Mark Burton, a man who says he is White’s husband, filed a lawsuit against the actor on Monday, alleging that Carrey provided her with the drugs knowing she was prone to depression and that she had attempted suicide before.

The suit was filed under California’s Drug Dealer Liability Act, which allows dealers to be sued in civil court for damages done by drugs they provided. Burton alleges that Carrey used a false name—Arthur King—to obtain the drugs illegally. He also claims Carrey had surveillance cameras in White’s house, knew she had died, and didn’t contact the authorities. After White’s death, authorities found texts from Carrey in which he asks if she “knew where his painkillers went;” in the suit, Burton alleges Carrey sent these after her death to “minimize Carrey’s involvement.”

Carrey reacted strongly to the allegations, saying, “I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved. Cat’s troubles were born long before I met her and sadly her tragic end was beyond anyone’s control. I really hope that some day soon people will stop trying to profit from this and let her rest in peace.” Carrey also offered that he could settle out of court and, “make this go away,” but that he felt the need to “stand up and defend your honor against the evil in this world.”

No date for the trial has been set.

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