Jimmy Kimmel reminds Sam Bee about interviewing "thirsty" Kellyanne Conway on The Daily Show

Jimmy Kimmel reminds Sam Bee about interviewing "thirsty" Kellyanne Conway on The Daily Show

It was a mini-summit of people who professionally do not like Donald Trump on Thursday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, as Kimmel welcomed Full Frontal host Samantha Bee. While Kimmel took the traditional nightly late-night host shots at Bee’s but once-a-week round of Trump-bashing, they both commiserated over how the current administration’s never-ending toxic spill of horrible news means they often have to scrap a show’s planned material at the last minute in favor of the day’s late-seeping horror.

Noted Canadian Bee also revealed that her worried father, aghast at news reports of this slow-motion unnatural disaster south of the border, sent her an actual kevlar vest all the way from Toronto. (She also admitted that husband and fellow Daily Show alum Jason Jones did not receive a vest of his own. Awkward.)

Speaking of her time as The Daily Show’s longest-tenured correspondent (or “the old battle-axe of The Daily Show,” as Bee put it), Kimmel went on to show a clip of Bee interviewing a pre-Trump Kellyanne Conway. Described by Bee as “thirsty” for the cameras even then, Republican operative Conway is shown happily answering Bee that the only way for the GOP to market what Bee termed its “shit sandwich” of a platform was, in Conway’s words, “to dip it in chocolate” so the American public will be willing to choke it down. Bee expressed a grudging admiration for both Conway’s self-promoting eagerness to appear on The Daily Show (until producers told Bee and company that enough Conway was more than enough), and for the dubious honor of being “the smartest member” of the current Trump crime family.

Indeed, Bee told Kimmel that the ever-spinning Conway was “pleasant and lovely” back then, even as the now White House spokes-liar reveled in her coveted airtime by saying literally “anything that you want[ed] her to.”

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