Joe Strummer’s old-ass Thunderbird is on eBay

No, he didn’t drive a damn Cadillac. Joe Strummer drove a Thunderbird—a 1963 Chalfont Blue Ford Thuderbird, to be precise—which is now up for auction on eBay. Strummer acquired the car in 1987, sometime after his beloved Dodge was lost in Spain, and he reportedly drove it to the studio where he recorded his first solo album, Earthquake Weather, then from Los Angeles to New Mexico to attend a screening of Mystery Train.

Bidding has yet to meet the seller’s reserve at $23,300—far above the $4,200 Strummer purchased it for—but the auction will continue until August 21, which not-so-coincidentally happens to be the late punk icon’s birthday. The car has apparently spent the years since Strummer’s death in 2002 in a climate-controlled garage, waiting for that special rude boy (or girl) with sufficient liquidity to make it their own.

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