Joel Silver begins quest to make his own Don Quixote movie

With Terry Gilliam recently announcing he plans to make good on his decades-long quest to finish his Don Quixote movie, even if it means adopting “The Ewan McGregor Contingency,” producer Joel Silver is considering pulling the ultimate dick move by producing his own competing Don Quixote film. According to Pajiba, Silver and Warner Bros. are currently developing a “swashbuckling” take on the Cervantes classic that’s more in line with Pirates Of The Caribbean or Sherlock Holmes—a tentpole blockbuster where that whole “satire of literary conventions” angle is jettisoned in favor of a more straightforward big-budget action flick where Quixote proves to be completely sane, and his fantasy medieval world actually exists. Silver is said to be fast-tracking the project now, hopefully while being tormented nightly by the ghost of Orson Welles.

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