John Boyega and Oscar Isaac aren't too interested in a Disney+ spin-off for Finn and Poe

John Boyega and Oscar Isaac aren't too interested in a Disney+ spin-off for Finn and Poe
Photo: Charley Gallay

Disney+, the nascent streaming giant that has dominated public interest since before its November debut, adds a new layer of possibilities for actors in Disney-owned franchises. Where the last installment of a story once represented a period at the end of an experience, Disney+ is now a hovering ellipses between the conclusion of a trilogy and the beginning of a potential series, string of appearances, an underwater basket-weaving competition, or whatever else it has cooking in its undoubtedly spotless, impossibly expensive lab. With a slate of Star Wars content already on deck (and with The Mandalorian stoking fan excitement with only a little help from a pint-sized frog muncher), some were bound to question whether or not one of the galaxy’s best bromances will live on in the form of a buddy-rebel sitcom or two. According to the stars themselves, that’s not very likely. And they appear to be more than fine with that.

Per Variety, John Boyega was direct about his disinterest in a spin-off. “You ain’t going to Disney+ me!” Boyega said playfully, though the core message was serious enough. “I ain’t getting no Disney+,” he confirmed. “I’m watching it, though, but I’ll stay in the feature films.” Though Rise Of Skywalker marks the conclusion of the latest trilogy, Boyega said that he would be open to doing more films “as long as Daisy [Ridley] and Oscar [Isaac] are down for it.”

As far as how his co-stars feel about the possibility: They’re just not down for it, gratitude aside.

“[I’m] happy and feeling fulfilled that the task is complete,” Isaac said, after noting that Rise Of Skywalker felt like closing a chapter. “So I can’t imagine what it would be that would make me want to redo this thing or revisit it.” Ridley echoed the sentiment: “I just don’t know if anything could top this one, honestly. I think it’s just a great story and a great close, and even though obviously the characters continue to exist, it would have to be so extraordinary [to return], and I don’t know if that’s possible.”

Of course, things can certainly change with time. (And honestly, do they even have the kind of contracts that would allow them to gab freely about future Star Wars projects?) But as of right now, the trio seem pretty content with seeing an end to this particular journey. Isaac further confirmed that he wouldn’t be accepting any Disney+ offers anytime soon with a strong “Nope!” during an interview with Collider. For anyone feeling down about that, we’re sure there’s a trove of Baby Yoda memes to cure any and all of your ills.

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker hits theaters December 20.

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