John Cleese dunks on Fox News for reporting a Holy Grail quote as news

John Cleese dunks on Fox News for reporting a Holy Grail quote as news
Screenshot: Monty Python And The Holy Grail

Judging from their merciless mocking of the destitute, brutal takedowns of Sesame Street, and jaw-dropping feats of racial stereotyping, the folks at Fox News don’t seem to possess anything approximating a sense of humor. At the very least, they certainly don’t seem to recognize when others are just joking around, as was the case a few days back when the state propaganda cable news network showed off their lack of comedy knowledge by mistaking someone’s Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference on Reddit as an actual dispatch from BLM protests in Seattle.

As noted by numerous people on Twitter, a recent segment airing on Fox News’ The Story referenced a Redditor who spoke of “infighting” and “signs of rebellion” among protestors. “I didn’t vote for Raz [Simone]. I thought we were an autonomous collective?” someone wrote on a now-deleted post in reference to leadership roles undertaken by the activist-musician. “An anarcho-syndicalist commune at the least. We should take turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.”

It’s pretty clear why Fox News anchors would latch onto a quote like this, as phrases like “anarcho-syndicalist commune” are just the kind of red-baiting chum thrown out for their viewers to gobble up on a daily basis. Of course, if anyone read just a little further on the screengrab, they’d notice the author arguing that no one could “simply expect to wield supreme executive power just because someone threw a sword at him.” My God, does antifa have swords now?

Yesterday, John Cleese apparently got wind of the segment, and tweeted what most of us already assumed: No one at Fox News possesses the slightest sense of humor, nor has anyone over there ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Watch the scene being referenced below.

We’re not gonna be snobs over here and hold it against them for missing a reference to a cornerstone of film comedy. Everyone has different tastes, and that’s totally cool. That said, we are gonna rag on them for not conducting even the slightest bit of fact-checking before the segment aired. Then again, how often are they doing that, anyway?

In any case, they should still give the film a shot! It holds up remarkably well, and, to be fair, “Help! Help! I’m being repressed!” is kinda Fox News’ whole motto right now.

Just ask Sean Hannity:

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