John Legend to combine found footage and dancing for found-footage dance movie

John Legend to combine found footage and dancing for found-footage dance movie

From The Blair Witch Project to Paranormal Activity to Paranormal Activity 4, filmmakers have mostly used the found-footage conceit to make horror movies. R&B singer John Legend is looking to change all that with Breaking Through, a coming-of-age dance drama that will combine the flashy choreography of the Step Up movies with the out-of-focus intensity of your family’s Thanksgiving home video. Legend will produce the movie—described as a “documentary-style dance drama for the YouTube generation”—through his Get Lifted Film development studio. Breaking Through was written by John Swetnam, who also wrote the upcoming fifth installment in the Step Up franchise, Step Up: All In. Here’s the trailer.

Now imagine that trailer with shakier camerawork, a grainier picture, and more blood-stained extras stumbling into the foreground to warn us to get away, far away, because they’re coming, and it may provide some insight into what Breaking Through will look like.

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