John Marr: Murder Can Be Fun

John Marr: Murder Can Be Fun

Murder Can Be Fun is the zine project of John Marr, a twisted San Franciscan whose sole joy in life is chronicling the stupid, funny, interesting and usually violent ways in which many of our fellow human beings die. Unlike many punker-than-thou publications, Marr's macabre little mags are simple, well-written and content-packed. They're also thorough. In #16, Zoo Deaths, Marr not only lists famous animal maulings (an inordinate number of polar bears seem to be involved, as do a disproportionate number of New Yorkers), but also goes on to describe procedures in dealing with zoo attacks, what's done with the animal afterwards, typical public reaction, and so on. Similarly, the Naughty Children issue contains many complete case studies and condensed monographs on kids who kill other kids, or derail trains, or become inspired by dynamite. Marr doesn't limit himself by dwelling on the theme of each issue, either; he loves recommending other things to read, too. Murder Can Be Fun is a fine, darkly funny, literate little zine.

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