John Mayer Performs The Stand-up Equivalent of "Party All The Time"

John Mayer Performs The Stand-up Equivalent of "Party All The Time"

Over the weekend, John Mayer attempted to further widen the gap between John "Waitin' On The World To Change" Mayer and John "I Have A Bit About Kicking People In The Ovaries" Mayer, by dropping into the Comedy Cellar to tell some jokes.

Unfortunately, one of them wasn't, "You know my music career? I was just kidding." That would have been funny.

Instead, Mayer did a set that was sort of the stand-up equivalent of Eddie Murphy's "Party All The Time," that is to say it was a somewhat serviceable, though thoroughly annoying, stab at another art form. Ultimately, seeing Mayer make jokes about "being a single guy" is just as weird as hearing Eddie Murphy's earnest falsetto.

Unfortunately, the tape cut out before Mayer got to his "white guys sing like this, but black guys sing like this" material.

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