John Mayer Writes His Version Of "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems"

John Mayer Writes His Version Of "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems"

Oh look. John Mayer took time out from his busy tweeting schedule to make some more musical blahs. It's the perfect soundtrack for your next pity party!

Such a relatable song/video, right? It's like who says you can't treat a bunch of your closest sycophants to dinner at Blue Ribbon? Who says? And who says you can't reserve that terrible, bacteria-swarming heatbox of a pool at the Rivington hotel for just you and your pals? Who says? And who says you can't go to the San Gennaro festival? I'm pretty sure no one is telling you can't go to San Gennaro—although they may be saying you don't want to go to San Gennaro because it can be annoying and crowded with annoying people, but that's different.

So, what's the take-away here? That John Mayer is so wealthy, famous, and leisurely that he can do whatever he wants? Good to know, John Mayer. We already knew that. But congrats.

Or is this John Mayer's stab at his very own "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems"? Because, sure, he has the money to do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants all over NYC with his gaggle of irritating, interchangeable friends who are constantly taking pictures of themselves, but in the end he walks home alone to write a bland, mopey song about how he can do whatever he wants. Who says John Mayer can't make an "introspective" video without any modicum of interesting introspection at all? Who says?

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