John Mulaney just wants to be friends with Timothée Chalamet

Once every generation, there emerges a creature of such divine beauty and effortless cool that the masses are inevitably pulled in one of two directions: Instant devotion or reactionary ire. Such is the case for young actor Timothée Chalamet, whose smoldering gaze sent stars crashing into our eyes while headlining two of 2017's best movies, Call Me By Your Name and Lady Bird. And those stars didn’t sit well with comedian John Mulaney—at least, not at first.

Mulaney, like so many married men, has a wife who is openly in love with Chalamet, and he’s not afraid to talk about how insecure it makes him. He brought it up when hosting the Spirit Awards—“It hurts my feelings!”—and he’s built an entire bit around it in his standup routine.

Calling Chalamet both “The Boy” and a “son of a bitch” during his set on the Netflix special Seth Rogen’s Hilarity For Charity, Mulaney elaborates on how his wife will routinely needle him with Chalamet facts, and how it’s slowly driving him insane. Watch it below.

After a fan sent the above clip to Chalamet, he responded with a reference to his outfit at the Spirit Awards, which Mulaney and co-host Nick Kroll mocked for looking like it belonged on a gas station attendant.

It’s a suitably cool, collected response from Chalamet; so cool, in fact, that Mulaney couldn’t help but succumb to The Boy’s charms. “Chalamet, I joke ONLY because I am an enormous fan, in awe of your talent, & terrified of my own age and mortality.” He also suggests that the pair team up on the “Amazin Race,” which really should happen.

There’s no fighting it. We all fall in love with Chalamet eventually.

[via Mashable]

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