John Mulaney voices an adorable, adoptable puppy in Heavy Petting

John Mulaney voices an adorable, adoptable puppy in Heavy Petting

What’s better than a cute puppy? What about a cute puppy that’s “speaking” with a famous person’s voice—not in an annoying Air Bud way, but in, like, a fun and funny way? And what if that voice is helping that cute puppy get adopted? Nothing could be better than that, right?

That’s the goal of Heavy Petting, a new series on Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website. In partnership with the ASPCA, the show matches up adorable adoptable puppies with their comedic voice equivalents, all in an attempt to encourage people to get out there and support animal shelters. In the series’ first clip, John Mulaney voices Bart, a 10-month-old mixed-breed puppy with a penchant for skateboarding, Cheerios, and smelling peoples’ breath. It’s as adorable as that premise would suggest, and—full warning—watching this clip will make you want to adopt Bart, no matter how many dogs and/or allergies you might already have.

Future episodes will feature the voices of Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, and Aziz Ansari, all of whom definitely have dog equivalents if you really think about it.

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