John Oliver debuts an offensive new anthem for the U.K.

John Oliver debuts an offensive new anthem for the U.K.

While the United States has been coming to terms with having a Razzie Award winner as the Republican presidential frontrunner, Britain has also been mired in a fraught political situation. The country has been weighing a “Brexit,” which is a very British portmanteau for a possible British exit from the European Union. Some people, like the members of the U.K. Independence Party, think Britain’s presence in the E.U. has been disproportionately beneficial for Europe. This has led to the upcoming “in-out referendum,” which as John Oliver explains, isn’t just a British euphemism for sex.

UKIP and others believe British money is moving in a single direction, and that’s straight out of the pockets of Brits. They’re also chafing at the idea of having everything from their pillows and sleep patterns regulated by the E.U., though those notions are mostly just melodramatic extrapolations. Although Oliver empathizes with the U.K. wanting to tell the E.U. to just fuck off—a quintessentially British sentiment—he’s firmly in the “remain” camp, which includes Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, and lots of less famous Brits who also think the departure would be disastrous. Last night, the Last Week Tonight host urged Britain to stay put, offering an offensive new anthem to sweeten the deal. If you’ve ever wanted to hear Slovenia taken down a peg or are just a fan of barbershop quintets, then this song’s for you and the millions of Brits who will be voting in the June 23 referendum.

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