Join The A.V. Club’s Golden Globes livechat

In 2014, The A.V. Club wants to take the “club” part of its name a little more seriously. Because what’s more fun than a club where the members don’t necessarily know one another’s real names and spend most of their time together lobbing insults? Loving, well-intentioned insults. The point being that we’ve fostered a unique, vocal community on this website, and we should gather as a community to hang out and trade smart-ass bon mots more often—preferably when we’re all watching the same thing on TV.

To that end, we’ll be hosting a lot more livechats around these parts in the coming weeks and months, beginning with tomorrow night’s Golden Globe Awards. There are two ways to join in on the boozy fun with everyone’s imaginary best friends, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler:

  • Going here to follow the livechat among The A.V. Club writers, where you can also toss in your own comments via CoverItLive. There’ll be polls and all sorts of other multimedia nonsense, including tweets pulled from…
  • The #avctv hashtag. You may remember this little beauty from our coverage of the 2013 Emmys, which several Twitter bots later informed us was a legitimate trending topic for 25 minutes on the night of the awards. Use it to participate in the conversation with only one browser tab open, or to show all of your followers know that you virtually hang out with the wittiest pop-culture fanatics on the Internet. (And yes, yes, we know the Golden Globes hand out awards for achievements in film as well as television—but the hashtag is more about the activity—everyone watching the same thing at the same time—than it is about the subject of the tweets. Which is why we’ll use if for the opening ceremonies of the Sochi Olympics, too.)

So let’s meet back here at 7:30 p.m. Eastern/6:30 Central tomorrow to watch the Globes as one big, happy club. No secret handshake required—though if anyone wants to think one up, we wouldn’t object.

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