Join us for a live chat of the Winter Olympics opening ceremonies

It’s officially colder here at the Chicago offices of The A.V. Club than it is in Sochi, Russia—which means that while well-dressed athletes wave their nation’s flags during the opening ceremonies of the already-controversial 2014 Winter Olympics, we will be on our couches, wrapped in blankets, sipping hot beverages. And live-chatting, of course. How did we ever engage in displays of international peaceful competition without live-chatting?

Join us Friday night at 7:30 p.m. CT here, where we’ll be talking up a storm. You can also follow us on Twitter at #avctv. And don’t worry, the fun doesn’t stop when the night ends. For the entirety of the Games, we’ll have a TV Club writer on duty every night to cover what happened in Sochi and how NBC handled it. Now, if only spring would hurry up already.

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