Jon “Councilman Jamm” Glaser blogged about his last day on Parks And Recreation

With the final season of Parks And Recreation drawing near, fans can take some small comfort in the knowledge that the coming weeks will likely feature a steady stream of video tributes, retrospective articles, and memorial Tumblrs that may help dampen the pain of losing the show. Jon Glaser, the prolific actor behind local orthodontist/power-mad tyrant Councilman Jeremy Jamm, is pitching in with a brief blog post about his last day on the job, complete with some photos of himself on the set.

As Glaser explains in his post, the photo of the receipt was taken at a restaurant where he ate before right attending the wrap party for the show. The name of the waiter and/or chef as listed on the receipt—“Pawinee”—is a strange bit of providence that suggests that life may actually be one long episode of Parks And Recreation and that our attempts to exert control over it are pointless. Or it’s a coincidence. Either way, we’re happy to have been Jammed this one last time.

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