Jon Stewart goes off on neo-Nazis and Trump, a.k.a. “Fuckface Von Clownstick”

Dave Chappelle’s Radio City Music Hall residency got a visit from Jon Stewart last night, who, as one of the “special guests” promised in the lineup, addressed both the new, hoodless Klan members running around Charlottesville as well as the Trump tweet that helped birth “Fuckface Von Clownstick.” Stewart veered from discussing the pleated slacks-wearing fucks who chanted “Jews will not replace us,” among other things, while converging on the University Of Virginia’s campus last week to protest the removal of one of the symbols of white supremacy, i.e., a Robert E. Lee statue, to rehashing a pre-presidential Trump’s coded tweet about Stewart’s “Jewishness.”

New York Times culture writer Sopa Deb transcribed much of Stewart’s act and posted it on Twitter, quoting the former Daily Show host as being more offended by the president’s support of the neo-Nazis rather than their mere presence in Charlottesville: “It wasn’t so much that there were Nazis. It was really the reaction by certain presidents.”

Stewart then reminded the audience of the origins of “Fuckface Von Clownstick,” the profane name he christened Trump with after the sentient carrot disingenuously wondered on social media why Stewart had changed his name from “Leibovitz.”

Basically, Trump’s been throwing up white supremacist signs for some time now—the problem is, Stewart notes, he’s no longer just a bumbling businessman riding high off his inheritance and taking anti-Semitic swipes at another private citizen. He’s the president of the United States, and he’s equating neo-Nazis with the groups they’ve victimized. (Say it with us: this is not normal.)

Stewart previously touched on his Twitter feud with Trump back in November 2016, just one week before the election, which was just one month after audio leaked of Trump’s behind-the-scenes boasting to Extra’s Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women. At the time, Stewart said in disbelief that he ”thought we were done three weeks ago” with entertaining the idea of electing a former reality TV star who brags about sexual harassment to the highest office in the land.

[via Uproxx]

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