Jon Stewart talks Irresistible, the magnificence of "silver fox" Steve Carell

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The Daily Show’s always been a wry look at American politics and news media, so many were surprised when its former host Jon Stewart made his directorial debut with the earnest, joke-free Rosewater. Stewart’s sophomore effort, however, feels more of a piece with the nightly Comedy Central show, both in its tongue-in-cheek approach to our country’s campaign machine, and in its inclusion of longtime correspondent Steve Carell. Carell stars in Irresistible as Gary Zimmer, a big-time D.C. political consultant who arrives in small-town Wisconsin to run the mayoral campaign of a local retiree. Written and directed by Stewart, the film keeps things grounded while leaning into the real-life absurdity of our political systems and the real-life charms of Steve Carell. During the recent virtual press day for Irresistible, we spoke with Stewart about the very intentional casting of a “sweetheart” like Carell, and the satire’s crucial balance of comedy and truth.

Jon Stewart’s Irresistible will be available for rental on at-home VOD platforms beginning on Friday, June 26.

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