Joni Mitchell suffered an aneurysm, is doing better now

At the end of April, folk singer Joni Mitchell was rushed to a hospital after being found unconscious and unresponsive in her home. Early rumors suggested that she was in a coma, but a later report denied that and said that she was “alert” and had “her full senses.” Now, in a post on Mitchell’s official site, Leslie Morris—her conservator—has confirmed that Mitchell suffered an aneurysm. Mitchell has been recovering at home, and Morris says that she is “speaking well.” She hasn’t started walking again, but Morris adds that she will in the “near future,” and that Mitchell is “getting better each day.” Finally, Morris notes that, “a full recovery is expected.”

We don’t know much else beyond that. But you can read Morris’ statement below:

Joni did in fact suffer an aneurysm. However, details that have emerged in the past few days are mostly speculative. The truth is that Joni is speaking, and she’s speaking well. She is not walking yet, but she will be in the near future as she is undergoing daily therapies. She is resting comfortably in her own home and she’s getting better each day. A full recovery is expected.

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