Jordan Peele has come up with a truly memorable metaphor for his awards haul

Jordan Peele didn’t win Best Picture or Best Director at the Oscars this weekend, losing out instead to Guillermo Del Toro’s seventh best movie, but the Get Out mastermind was nevertheless one of the unquestionable “winners” of the evening, even if he only took home one statue. That award made him the first black writer to win Best Original Screenplay and also the recipient of several truly heartwarming tweets from his old comedy partner, Keegan-Michael Key. Now safely at home, Peele is celebrating his win the only way he can: by making funny little dioramas with them.

The newcomer on the left is met by the Emmy Key & Peele won in 2016 for Outstanding Variety Sketch Series. Peele’s also got a Peabody (which looks like a big coin), an Independent Spirit Award (some phantom woman thing?), plus a few others, all of which he is presumably assembling into a diorama where they await the arrival of a Grammy and a Tony, at which point they will all form together into a sort of armor encasing Peele and turning him into the fabled King Of Hollywood.

Oh, and if that chair looks familiar, Peele followed up in a later tweet: that is, in fact, the Get Out chair. (You know the one.)

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